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If you keep driving towards the east, you will reach Buir Lake. This lake is located in the northwest and stretches beyond the Chinese border. Both Mongolians and Chinese people fish in this lake. However, the Mongolians are not happy about the Chinese fishing in their territory. With a length of 40 kilometers and a width of 20 kilometers, the lake has an area of ​​615 square kilometers. It is eleven meters deep. Due to better water quality, there are many fish here, especially chap. There are fertile pastures on the south-west bank, which is why some nomads live here. The Buir lake is connected by the Orshon River to the north of Lake Hulun in China, about 45 kilometers away. In the far south is the Bayan salt lake, which is ten square kilometers in size.

The river Khalkh in the north is home to seagulls, cormorants, herons, ducks, and sea swallows, which can feed themselves wonderfully here. There’s a quaint little village near a river that’s great for fishing. People there catch all kinds of fish like pike, catfish, gudgeons, carp, asp, and even Siberian salmon. After they catch the fish, they dry and salt them so they can be eaten later. There are not many Mongolians eating fish, which is related to their superstition, but it is true here.