Mongolian State Academic Drama Theater was established in 1950 through donations from the Mongolian Youth Organization, the theater was originally known as the Youth Palace. It traces its roots back to a temporary theater school founded in the 1930s, which evolved into the State Central Theater in 1931 and opened with the national play “Truth.” Notable productions that followed included “Mongol Boy” and “Erdenet Soyombo’s Master, Brave General Sukhbaatar.” Mongolian State Academic Drama Theater has been instrumental in nurturing talented actors and has brought world classics to life on stage, including Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” “King Lear,” “Othello,” “Macbeth,” “Richard III,” and “Romeo and Juliet.”
Mongolian National Art Concert
On June 5, 2024, the Mongolian Grand Theater of National Arts started presenting its largest national art performance, “LAND OF THE SKY,” featuring a professional team of over 150 highly skilled artists. This daily performance is designed for both foreign and domestic tourists, showcasing the incredible heritage and national art of Mongolia. The performances highlight genres recognized on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, along with folklore that narrates the nomadic way of life and the philosophy that emphasizes the connection between humans and nature.
Foreign tourists visiting Mongolia have the opportunity to experience the unique nomadic culture that has been passed down through the centuries.