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About 55 kilometers east of Uliastai city of Zavkhan province stands the sacred mountain Otgontenger in a strictly protected nature reserve, with 3905 meters as the highest peak of the Khangai mountains. The approval of the local nature conservation authority is essential for the area, but it is worth spending a few days here amidst the lush nature. There is a lot of fragrant juniper and habitat for ibex, maral deer, musk animals, wolves, rabbits, and marmots as well as numerous birds of prey.

The main ridge of the Khangai runs around 500 kilometers from northwest to southeast, and many peaks are more than 3000 meters high. The sources of many rivers, including the Ider, Ongi, and Orkhon, originate here. Due to its topographical location, there is often rainfall in the Khangai mountains, which leads to lush grass plains and in protected areas to boreal coniferous forests. The whole area is reminiscent of a huge hilly landscape because only individual mountains are as rocky as Otgontenger Mountain.

Sacred Mountain

The mountain is sacred to the Mongolians, they believe in the power of the place, which promises success, protection, and happiness. Every four years, the shamans gather at the Otgontenger for religious ceremonies. If you want to attend as a foreigner, you have to know Mongolians who give you the appropriate permission.

The Otgontenger Mountain, the only peak of the Khangai range, is visible from a distance with its snow cap that remains throughout the year. The easiest way to get there is on the flatter east side, to the west the mountain breaks off in a rock wall almost 1,000 meters high.

The Mongolians worship the mountain, which is protected as the youngest son of heaven. Various small lakes, which are fed by the snow, are situated at different heights in a picturesque manner like blue spots around the mountain. The largest of these is the crystal-clear Khuch Lake at the foot of the mountain on the west side of Otgontenger, where there is another small lake. At a distance of about 40 kilometers, you can see the 3040-meter-high Sevjed Balbar Mountain in the clear.